Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happiest Years of Your Life?

I feel really really bad for the sad sap in this picture. 

And yes, technically, it is me. But at the same time, its not. 
This picture was taken the day I left for college. I was angry cause I was stressed out, we were running late, and my Mom was being waayyyyyy too happy. 
And sure, the girl in the picture is tanner than me, and probably a little bit skinnier, but I do not envy her in the least. Mostly because I'd rather die than repeat the last year of my life. 
I have grown so incredibly much since that day, but it has truly been a torturous 8 months. 

I remember my last night in Provo like it was yesterday. I remember where I was, who I was with, and exactly what I was doing. I remember saying goodbye to them, and trying so hard to hold onto those last perfect moments as they slipped through my fingers like sand. Along with everything else in my life. 
Leaving for school meant leaving my friends, family, job, school, team, home, car, everything. 

I turned my back on everything that was good in my life, and traded it for an empty bank account, a small little room on the 2nd floor of Chapel Glen, a roommate that I have to babysit 24/7, days full of studying in the dark and eating every meal alone, and having to deal with drunken tools on a weekly basis. 

And even though I'm not that far away from home, when I visit, things just aren't the same. Just because I've been stuck in a rut for the last 8 months doesn't mean that everyone else has stopped living their life, and is waiting around for me. 
People that I was so close to at the end of last summer, barely even know how to talk to me anymore. 

With roughly 6 weeks left of my freshman year in college, I can only pray that I have happier years than this. 

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