Thursday, March 22, 2012

It Was A Rough Day...

Do you ever feel like you're babysitting everyone around you? Well I do.

Its like basically everyone in my life got together and decided "Ok, any time any one starts crying, or is upset, or wants to complain, or wants to gossip about the mean thing that other girl said, or needs a ride somewhere, or needs to be taken care of, or needs to yell at someone for an unknown reason, or needs money, or needs to be picked up at 3am, or needs advice about what to do in a fight they are having with their ex-bestfriend, GO TO LEAH!!". 

I mean, I'm all for helping people out in time of need, and listening to people when they are upset, but surprisingly, I really don't have any sympathy for you, when you come crying to me because someone called you a slut.... Like really, my honest advice would be "grow up and dot be so emotional." Even though I could never actually say that, cause I'm a good babysitter... 

But why am I the one that always has to hold my tongue, and sort through other peoples problems? I have  problems too! But I deal with them in a mature, and adult way, that doesn't involve complaining to everyone and their dog! 

My roommate for example, has yelled at me countless times this year, yet I am always the one calming her down when she's mad, and trying to keep her happy. Never have I retaliated against her, even though she probably deserves it. But I really just feel like I'm taking care of a new born baby, or a puppy or something! I have to constantly keep her happy, and keep her entertained, and talk to her in a nice calm voice, or she will just freak out. 

Hmmm, I dont remember signing up to be responsible for myself AND and a mob full of childish, melodramatic 5-year olds. 

P.S. I KNOW this makes me sound really mean, and arrogant, but.... ok maybe I am. 

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