Thursday, March 15, 2012

I am such a REBEL

For as long as I can remember, I've always had to do the exact opposite of what people tell me to do. 
Like, if someone tells me "You cannot touch that lamp", I have to touch the lamp! Even If I had no intentions of touching the lamp before hand. 
Its like a curse almost, If someone tells me not to do something, I have absolutely no choice but to do exactly what they told me not to. Just to make sure they know they cant control me. 
Even if I have to disobey them when they aren't there to witness it, I still have to do it. If I don't, I get that awful feeling, kinda like when you hold in a sneeze, or something, and it doesn't go away until I just break the rules. 
I know that being this way gives people (smart people at least) power over me. 
Because if someone told me to "keep breathing for the rest of your life" I honestly would try not to breathe, at least around them. -And thats probably an exaggeration, but you get the picture. 
And yes, being this way has gotten me into trouble before, like my freshman year of high school when I marched out of my spanish class, after I told Senor Skyles that "this is America, and I think I can go to the bathroom if I want to". 
Not to mention the countless fights with my parents. 
I've also run into trouble when I try and convince my friends that "your parents don't control what you do". -Surprisingly, that one has never gone over too well. 
Being this way definitely comes at a price, but I cant stop. And I know that people hate it, and it probably is the most immature part of my personality, but I cant change it, and why would I want to? 
Its just so much fun. 
I guess its just my way of making sure the universe knows that no one can control me

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